lunes, 11 de abril de 2016

A well-known scene of a mother's life...

About three hours after the first feeding session of the day (all showered, dressed and ready to start the day) I finally get the chance to prepare the perfect Earl Grey tea with a spoon of honey and, of course, some milk.

I open the door to the terrace, a fresh air with a floral scent enters, the colourful plants invite me to sit down and read the two fashion magazines I bought about one week ago (and I haven’t open them yet). The perfect time for a small “me-time” moment.

And then suddenly, Bástian kindly asks me (read: starts to cry hysterically) to feed him…

An oh-so -well-known scene out of every mother’s life. To be a mom is like participating a race…a road full of unexpected curves but behind each one of them is an amazing new experience. Something you never thought you would live…